Call for Papers — the 5th International Chinese Sociological Association (ICSA) Annual Conference
Guangzhou ● December 16-17, 2022
Submission Deadline: October 22, 2022
Conference Venue: Guangzhou, China
The International Chinese Sociological Association (ICSA) is pleased to announce to hold its 5th Annual Conference in Guangzhou from December 16 to 17, 2022 (Beijing Time). The conference will be organized by the Urban Governance and Design Thrust Area, Society Hub of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou).
The conference’s theme is “Expanding Traditional Boundary of Sociology: New Issues and New Challenges in Uncertain Times.” In the event of the COVID-19 and international travel restriction, the conference will be held in a mixed mode with both face-to-face and online formats.
The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed the way of how we live, how we work, and how we interact with other people, accelerating the transformations of economy, society and politics in the contemporary world. Such transformations present great challenges to sociological research in both substantive topics and methodological approach. In the post-pandemic era with high uncertainties, the discipline should move beyond the traditional boundary, incorporate a more cross disciplinary approach to the new issues and new challenges ahead.
The ICSA program committee welcomes submissions on this theme and related topics, both theoretical work and empirical analysis. Papers offering comparative perspectives and cross-disciplinary approaches are particularly welcome. Both complete papers and extended abstracts in English will be considered. Extended abstracts must contain sufficient details to suggest timely completion (normally, 5 pages or more). Please provide all authors’ names, organizational affiliations, and email addresses.
Graduate students are invited to compete for the ICSA 2022 Nan Lin Graduate Student Paper Award. One paper (published or unpublished) will be selected and the award will be announced in the conference and presented with a plaque and a check of USD 500 (by mail).
To be considered for the Nan Lin Graduate Student Paper Award, papers must be (1) authored by student(s) only, (2) in English, and (3) to be presented at the 2022 ICSA Annual Conference. Student status must be valid as of the end of 2022. Only complete papers will be considered. Please mark *Nan Lin Paper Award* in the Subject Area when submitting online.
Instructions for Paper Submissions
The ICSA Paper Submission Information Site will be available on September 1st at The submission deadline is Oct 22 (Saturday), 2022. In the event of any technical difficulties, submissions may be emailed to
Please note that conference participation requires membership in the ICSA. If you are not an active member yet, please become a member through ICSA’s new homepage: The membership fees: $10 for a student membership, $30 for a regular membership, and $600 for a lifetime membership. There will be no registration fees for the conference this year, thanks to the generous sponsorship by HKUST (Guangzhou).
Those in mainland China who plan to attend the face-to-face conference in Guangzhou will be responsible for their own travel and lodging cost.
The ICSA is a nonprofit organization, registered in both California, USA and Hong Kong SAR, China. It aims to promote social scientific research on Chinese societies, cultures, and populations in the world.
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) (HKUST(GZ)) is a legally independent educational institution co-established by Hong Kong and the Mainland China to complement and synergize with the well-established disciplinary foundation at HKUST. The HKUST(GZ) adopts a unique academic structure of Hubs with Trust Areas, striving to cut across disciplinary and organizational boundaries and facilitate cross-disciplinary education, research, and knowledge transfer. The Urban Governance and Design (UGOD) Thrust Area of Society Hub focuses on exploring multifaceted urban problems through cross-disciplinary approaches and multi-source data applications. It aims to provide a deepened understanding of the emerging patterns and trends in the socioeconomic development of cities and address critical issues in contemporary urban governance and design.
Important Dates
September 1, 2022: On-line submission site opens.
October 22, 2022: Submission deadline.
October 29, 2022: Formal acceptance letters by email.
November 29, 2022: Provisional program available on the website.
December 4, 2022: Full papers due to organizers/presiders/discussants.
December. 16-17 2022: Conference.
Selected papers presented in the conference will be invited for submission to the following peer-reviewed scholarly journals:
1. Chinese Sociological Review (CSR) (Print ISSN: 2162-0555 Online ISSN: 2162-0563), founded in 1968, now published by Taylor & Francis Inc. 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106. The journal’s SSCI impact factor is 3.667 in 2021, being ranked in Q1, 29/150 in sociology..
2. 中文期刊《城市与社会学刊》(Journal of Cities and Society [JCS], ISSN 2957-4099),聚焦香港、上海、和深圳等长三角与珠三角城市研究和比较,致力于推动关注地方问题但具有国际影响力的研究,并为海内外特别是大中华地区从事城市与社会研究的学者提供一个探索真知,服务社会的跨学科高端学术交流平台。杂志由上纽大应用社会经济研究中心联合国际华人社会学会(香港)和香港科技大学(广州)城市治理与设计学域共同出版。.
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